Download TeamTrace

Work smarter, not harder: Use TeamTrace.

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Download TeamTrace

Download TeamTrace Silent App

How to get started with TeamTrace?

With the most innovative time and resource management tool, you're always in control of your data.
With TeamTrace, Automate management, simplify decisions and execute ideas with just a few steps.

01 how it works - step1

Create an account
on TeamTrace

Log on to the website and register yourself.

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02 how it works - step1

Add your employees
and team members

Create customized profiles for each employee with specific skill sets and specializations.

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03 how it works - step1

Assign projects
and tasks

Add the projects and assign tasks and tickets to your employees.

04 how it works - step1

Ask employees to
start tracking time

Request the workforce to diligently track their active work hours.

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05 how it works - step1

Review work hours
and proof of work

Review the work done and spent time on individual tasks and projects. Monitor screens in real-time.

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06 how it works - step1

Get in-depth insights
with TeamTrace

Use the collected data and start making instant and smarter solutions.